absolute languageの例文
- "There was an absolute language problem, " he said.
- Those drafts were rejected in favor of the more exacting and absolute language that endures.
- Actions speak even a much more clear and absolute language than comments ever could .-- Talk ! . oOo . 09 : 49, 26 August 2007 ( UTC)
- These artists present different approaches to abstraction-in-motion : as an analogue to music, or as the creation of an absolute language of form, a desire common to early abstract art.
- Later in the 1980s and in the 1990s workers will be defined by intellectuals as irrational, misguided and even dangerous, because of their " illegitimate " opposition to the " necessary ", " correct " and " rational " economic policies, pursued especially by the new post-1989 liberal establishment and couched by it in the absolute language of science, not in relative terms of a political debate.